Rubicon Sports is the British & European distributor for Power Lift, Desmotec, XPT, Tendo & Ultraslide

We provide High Performance Equipment to Sports and athletes across the World including Power Lift – (The standard by which other racks and platforms are judged) Desmotec,  XPTTendo, UltraslideEleiko , Uesaka, Ivanko and many more.

Equipping you with everything you need to create world-class strength and conditioning facilities.

Rubicon Sports History

Since 1999, Rubicon Sports has been creating world-class strength and conditioning facilities, providing High Performance Equipment to Sports and athletes across the World with Power Lift Racks and Platforms, Plate Loaded and Resistance machine (‘the standard by which other racks and platforms are judged’) , Tendo – force measuring systems, Ultraslide and bars weights and dumbells from, Eleiko and Ivanko.

These facilities have been helping sports directors, coaches and facilities managers provide their athletes with the necessary equipment to train effectively and perform at their best.

Products Supplied:

  • Power Lift – The world’s leading provider of integrated rack and platform systems.
  • Ultraslide – The wold’s most sophisticated and effective slideboard
  • Tendo – The coaches favourite Power and speed analyser.
  • The Quick Board – A neuromuscular training device used in testing, re-habilitation and conditioning.
  • Eleiko and Ivanko – weights bars and dumbells.
  • Flooring solutions

Facility Design

Rubicon Sports, not only can we supply you with the best quality equipment, we can also help you design facilities that will get regular use and still be going strong years later.

In 2002, we were the first company to bring integrated rack and platform systems into elite sports facilities in the UK, setting the standard for professional-quality strength and conditioning facilities


Our past clients have included institutesuniversitiesfootballrugby  athletics clubs and schools.

We will work closely with you to identify the products that are right for you and your athletes, an example of which was when,at the London 2012 Olympics, we created bespoke training facilities for the US and Dutch athletes.

Please explore the site to see some of our existing installations and find out more about the different equipment we can supply. Please contact us if you have any questions about creating your own ideal strength and conditioning facility.