Design and Flooring Solutions

Power Lift Installations-South Wales University by Rubicon Sports 5
Power Lift Installations-Iowa State University by Rubicon Sports

Planning Your Strength and Conditioning Facility Design

Taking your strength and Conditioning facility from concept to completion can be a challenge. At Rubicon Sports, it is our goal to make the process as seamless as possible from start to finish.

Ideally we would like to be there right at that start to enable our clients to get the building or space that they require to fit the equipment in. On too many occasions Strength and Conditioning coaches get allocated a space and have to make do with that and in many cases are forced to reduce their equipment list.

With this in mind we are very happy to work with architects and planning committees throughout the process to avoid common challenges.

Strength and Conditioning Facility Evaluation

First and foremost, when beginning a Strength and Conditioning facility design, we will work with you to understand what the goals are for your weight room in terms of the scope, size, population, weight equipment layout, etc.

Strength and Conditioning Facility Design

After goals and needs have been established we will work with the necessary decision makers (architects, planning committee, etc.) to move onto the layout design.

Strength and Conditioning Layouts

To visualize the layout and look of your strength and conditioning facility, we will put together both a 2D layout and 3D layout. This will give your team a better understanding of where the weight equipment will be placed and how it will look in the space.


2D Layout

The 2D layout is a blueprint of where the equipment will be placed within the weight room.

3D Layout

After approval of the 2D layout, we will put together a 3D design that will provide a better visual with colors, logos, etc. of the weight room and athletic facility.


After we have discussed the layout of your strength and conditioning facility, we will work with the you to make sure that your weight room reflects your organizations goals.

Common Mistakes

Taking a strength and conditioning facility from concept to completion is not an easy feat. Common mistakes that are made when designing a strength and conditioning facility will lead to frustration further down the line. We have had many years of experience in designing gyms and so can advise on how to avoid these mistakes.
