The QuickBoard

The QuickBoard is a neuromuscular training device that can be used in testing, re-habilitation and conditioning.

The board is both sensitive and highly durable and the control panels will measure the foot speed and can be pre-programmed for reaction and change-of-direction.

Backed up by research papers and a varied and long user list.

How it works?

The user programs desired protocols with the control panel via three drill types:

– Count drill measures and improves an athlete’s quickness and agility. This drill totals the number of touches during a specified interval of time, or it measures how long a user takes to complete a predetermined number of steps. The drill lasts for the set programmed time or until the number of touches are complete.

– React drill measures and improves the user’s reaction time. It randomly illuminates one of the five lights on the control panel. The user responds as quickly as possible by touching the corresponding dot on the board. Once the user’s foot touches the dot, another light is illuminated. If the user touches a dot that is not lit up on the control panel, they will hear a beep, which tells them they hit the wrong dot. They must touch the correct dot before moving on to the next touch. The control panel will display the number of incorrect touches next to the total of correct touches at the completion of the drill. The drill lasts for the set programmed time or until the number of programmed touches are complete.

– Sequence drill also measures and improves the user’s quickness and agility. It allows the user to program up to 8 sensors. If the programmed sequence isn’t performed in the correct order then the user will hear an audible beep when they touch an incorrect sensor. The user must touch the correct sensor before the drill will continue. The control panel will display the number of incorrect touches next to the total of correct touches at the completion of the drill. The advantage of using the Sequence Drill rather than the Sum All Count Drill is the ability to see the sequence followed when looking at archived data and the incorrect total corresponds to the athlete’s precision. The drill lasts for the set programmed time or until the number of programmed touches are complete.

How Does It Work?

Quickboard by Rubicon Sports-Distances between spots depicted on Image

There are three programming options for each of the three drills providing a variety of alternatives for measuring and developing a user’s skill level. Three of these options are identical in all of the drills but the second option is different for each drill.

1. Time/Touches:
Use this programming option to set the time interval or number of touches desired. If time is selected, the control panel will measure the number of touches accomplished during the selected time interval. If touches are selected, the control panel will measure the amount of time it takes to complete the number of touches selected.

2. Type (Count Drill):
Sum All: All sensors are activated and will sum all touches in a single total. This drill gives the user flexibility for training protocols.

Left/Right: Only Sensors 1 & 2 and 4 & 5 are activated. User will place left foot either on sensor 1 or 4 and right foot on 2 or 5 respectively. The LCD screen will show two totals corresponding to the right and left feet.

Details (React Drill):
The user will be provided with the Min/Max/Avg times for reaction touches to all sensors. It will also breakdown the Min/Max/Avg times for each sensor and the number of times the sensor was touched.

Program Sequence (Sequence Drill):
Allows the user to select a custom sequence of sensors. The user can program up to 8 sensors.

3. Random Start:
No: Control panel will have a timed countdown that allows user to anticipate the start of a drill.

Yes: Requires user to react to the start of a drill. All LED’s illuminate and user starts when they hear an audible beep and see the LED’s turn off simultaneously. User MUST be ready when Next is pressed to initiate the start of the drill. Time Range = .3-3.1