

Ivanko Barbell stand by Rubicon Sports

An extra high strength alloy steel bar. This 7’2″ bar, 1.1″ dia. (28mm) is engineered to hold well over 1,000 lbs. of regular cast iron plates.

  • + Mag-tested.
  • + Ultra-sonic tested.
  • + X-ray tested.
  • + Special straightness specified (less than .006 per ft. t.i.r.)
  • + Ground and polished.
  • + Ends ground to 1 1/16″ diameter to hold regular plates.
  • + Inside collar to inside collar: approx. 53-1/4″.
  • + Beautiful black oxide finish.
  • + Shipped in protective cardboard tube.
  • + Made in the USA.
  • + Weight: 23 lbs. [Shipping weight is approx. 32 lbs.].
  • Order with CC-3 (outside) and C-0.25 (inside) collars. If you want old-school look, go with COS-2.5 (outside) and CIS-2.5 (inside) collars.

NOTE:  a high quality EZ-Curl bar for regular/standard plates with compression ring collars available (Part No. BZ-12).  Purchase with B-86 at same time and save on shipping.

Dr Ken Leistner mulls over the question asked decades ago in a Weider publication: “Does one need to use an Olympic bar for the three power lifts?” This article and the follow up are an excellent consideration of the factors that have contributed to the eclipse of a regular (or “standard”) bar in favor of the so-called Olympic bar (i.e. with 50mm sleeves).

Chemical analysis of this bar is specified by IVANKO engineers and made to our specifications direct at a precision steel mill — subject, of course, to our final testing and approval. Because of the time and research devoted to the development of this product, exact bar chemistry is not offered as consumer knowledge.