What do Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric Training Devices add to a traditional warm up.

This paper looks at how warming-up with  Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric training devices may make you better prepared for competition. The Desmotec devices are highly portable and easy to have on the sideline or in the warm up area at tourmnaments. The  Postactivation Potentiation(PAP) from using Desmotec flywheel devices is significant and will have an increased initial impact between 3-9 minutes after work. Background to Eccentric Overload Training(EOL) Eccentric Overload(EOL) training is a methodology used to improve sports performance, and it is commonly generated from flywheel devices because it is easiest done this way. They create more power in less time than other methods of work in a functional way(from 20-60% more than Concentric isometric contraction)   The Science-PAP when warming-up with Desmotec Eccentric Overload Training(EOL) was found to be a valid exercise to stimulate PAP. EOL bout increased the jump height, peak power, impulse and peak force during a CMJ, as well as the quadriceps and hamstrings isokinetic strength in male athletes. Optimal time window for PAP was 3-9 minutes post exercise but also some increments were observed at 1 minute (Effects of Postactivation Potentiation(PAP) after an Eccentric Overload bout on Countermovement Jump and Lower-Limb muscle strength- Marco Beato,Adam Stiff and Giuseppe Coratella) Optimal sets and rests of Eccentric  Overload Training(EOL) was found to be  2 or 3 sets of 6 repetitions with a 2 minute passive rest recover. Effect of Volume on Eccentric Overload–Induced Postactivation Potentiation of Jumps Kevin L. de Keijzer, Stuart A. McErlain-Naylor, Antonio Dello Iacono, and Marco Beato) Eccentric contractions exploit greater muscular mechanical efficiency in comparison to concentric contractions because greater levels of force can be produced with less energy. (Hody et al 2019, Zamparo et al 2015) Accentuated Eccentric muscle contractions can elicit a few beneficial neuromuscular adaptations:     These responses represent key aspects for muscular strength and power development(Douglas et al 2017) Eccentric Overload Training absorbs more energy in less time is key to preventing injuries and increasing the performance. This absorbing of energy is best done by improving Eccentric strength and that by Eccentric Overload(EOL) training with Flywheel devices.Deceleration in sport by Dr.Damien Harper www.humanbrakingperformance.com/research Benefits of warming-up with Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric Devices Summary Warming up with Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric training devices give you an edge in  training or competition and they are so easy to use because they are so portable. Why wouldn’t you want to have this advantage right from the start. Contact Rubicon Sports to find out what devices are going to be best for you. To read the scientific papers: (2/3 rds the way down on https://rubiconsports.co.uk/desmotec/) Anecdotally Paul Gagne(Posturologist and Strength Coach-Ice Hockey) Found after a bout of squats with the Desmotec D Full that he and his players noticed an  Immediate increase in verticle Jump and a greater activation/power of the legs on the ice. ..and many many more        3/4s the way down on https://rubiconsports.co.uk/desmotec/) Because of these features it is possible to go as fast as 3 reps per second: Unique Selling Features Background to Eccentric Overload Training(EOL) Add Your Heading Text Here

Revolutionising Elderly Fitness with Desmotec Eccentric Flywheel Training

As the population ages, the demand for effective fitness solutions tailored to the elderly has surged. Desmotec’s eccentric training, highlighted by Rubicon Sports, offers a pioneering approach to improving elderly fitness. This method focuses on eccentric movements, essential for daily activities like walking and sitting. By enhancing muscle activation and strength, eccentric training not only boosts functional independence but also mitigates injury risks. With innovative technology, Desmotec stands at the forefront of elderly fitness, promising a healthier and more active ageing experience. As the demographic shift towards an older population accelerates, the fitness industry faces a pivotal challenge: developing effective, safe, and engaging exercise regimes for the elderly. The physical decline associated with ageing often includes muscle atrophy, reduced bone density, and impaired balance, all of which contribute to a higher risk of falls and injuries. Enter Desmotec’s eccentric training, a revolutionary method that is redefining how we approach elderly fitness. Eccentric movements—actions where muscles lengthen under tension—are not only fundamental to daily activities but also crucial for maintaining strength and functionality in older adults. Eccentric training, as promoted by Rubicon Sports, leverages controlled movements to enhance muscle activation and maximise strength gains. This method can significantly improve the quality of life for the elderly by addressing common physical limitations and promoting greater independence. Through state-of-the-art technology and scientifically-backed techniques, Desmotec provides an innovative solution tailored to the unique needs of ageing individuals. The Science Behind Eccentric Training Understanding Eccentric Movements Eccentric flywheel training focuses exercise on the eccentric phase of movements. These movements are crucial to our day-to-day function; they are controlled movements in which the active muscle is lengthened such as slowing or stopping when walking to cross the road or sitting down into a chair. Eccentric muscle power allows you to move with control and efficiency, improving function and reducing the risk of injury. Using eccentric movements in training helps to enhance muscle activation and maximise strength gains. Eccentric Training Vs Concentric Training: Which Is Better For You? Eccentric movements occur when muscles elongate, such as when lowering a weight or descending stairs. These movements are integral to various daily activities, including sitting down, walking, and the activation required before  standing up from a seated position. For the elderly, maintaining control during these movements can become increasingly difficult, leading to a greater risk of falls and injuries. Why Eccentric Training? Traditional strength training typically emphasises concentric movements—where muscles shorten while producing force. However, research has shown that eccentric training can be more effective for building muscle mass and strength, particularly in older adults. This type of training not only enhances muscle activation but also improves coordination and balance, key factors in preventing falls. Desmotec’s Technological Edge Innovative Equipment Desmotec employs advanced flywheel technology, which differs from conventional weight-based training. Flywheel resistance dynamically adjusts based on the user’s effort, providing a personalised and safe workout. This technology ensures that the muscles are adequately challenged throughout the entire range of motion(both concentrically and eccentrically), promoting more significant strength gains. User-Friendly Design The equipment is designed with the elderly in mind. Its user-friendly interface and ergonomic design make it accessible and comfortable for older adults, encouraging regular use. The real-time feedback provided by the equipment helps users monitor their progress and stay motivated. Benefits of Desmotec  Eccentric Flywheel Training for the Elderly Enhanced Muscle Strength and Functionality Eccentric training has been shown to significantly increase muscle strength in older adults which is crucial for maintaining independence. Stronger muscles improve the ability to perform everyday tasks, from climbing stairs to carrying groceries. Improved Balance and Coordination Falls are a leading cause of injury among the elderly. By enhancing balance and coordination, eccentric training reduces the risk of falls, promoting safer, more confident movement. Reduced Risk of Injuries Eccentric movements help strengthen tendons and ligaments, making them more resilient to strain and injury. This is particularly beneficial for the elderly, who are more prone to joint and muscle injuries. Boosted Mental Well-being Physical activity is closely linked to mental health. Regular exercise, such as that provided by eccentric training, can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall well-being. Real-world Applications and Success Stories Case Studies Numerous studies and real-world applications have demonstrated the effectiveness of Desmotec’s eccentric training in improving elderly fitness. For instance, a study conducted at a senior living community showed significant improvements in residents’ muscle strength and balance after just a few weeks of training. The Future of Elderly Fitness   Continued Innovation As Technology continues to advance, the potential for improving elderly fitness through innovative methods like eccentric training grows. Desmotec is committed to leading the way in this field, continuously refining their equipment and techniques to better serve the elderly population. Wider Adoption With the proven benefits of eccentric training, there is a strong case for its wider adoption in fitness centres, rehabilitation facilities, and even at home. By making this technology more accessible, we can significantly improve the quality of life for older adults. Community and Support Building a supportive community around elderly fitness is crucial. Desmotec not only provides the equipment but also fosters a network of trainers and users who can share experiences, tips, and encouragement. This community aspect helps keep older adults engaged and motivated to maintain their fitness routines. Desmotec’s eccentric training represents a significant advancement in elderly fitness, combining scientific principles with innovative technology to address the unique needs of older adults. By focusing on eccentric movements, this approach enhances muscle strength, balance, and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. The benefits extend beyond physical health, contributing to improved mental well-being and greater independence. As Desmotec continues to innovate and expand its reach, the future of elderly fitness looks promising, offering hope for a healthier, more active ageing population. Discover the transformative power of Desmotec’s eccentric training. Learn more and take the first step towards a healthier, more active future.

Injury Prevention & Rehab. Case Studies

This article looks at case studies where Desmotec Flywheel Training Devices have been essential for injury prevention & rehab. in elite athlete. Most injuries will be caused in the ECCENTRIC phase of motion so ECCENTRIC OVERLOAD  training is a very good Injury prevention tool. In the case of  rehabilitation the DESMOTEC Flywheel devices increase muscle activation and coordination by recruiting those high-threshold motor units and thus aids a quicker recovery whilst decreasing Muscle stress. They also reduce inflammation and pain in Tendons. Because of its low-impact and non-weight bearing nature, The Desmotec equipment is particularly useful in the rehabilitation from ACL and Rotator Cuff Injuries where there is less strain in the knee and shoulder compared with other methods of rehab. With the Desmotec Devices you have one complete system for recovery. The Integrated Load cells in each device measure the force in each leg or arm so immediately the physiotherapist can see impbalances The Eccentric overload(breaking) produced from the  the isoinertial technology of the flywheel activates the high -level motor units producing stability and strength accelerating recovery in and around the wounded area Eccentric Power and Return to sport after ACL reconstruction Rehab. and Injury Prevention CASE STUDY 1-Knee SQUAT WITH INSTABILITY FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY PATELLAR TENDINOPATHY PROBLEM: Pain in bearing weight on specific limb on descent Pain in breaking after movements TREATMENT: 1° phase: Isometric tests on Desmotec Dline and Vline to see the deficits and what will be required in rehabilitation. These tests will be tested throughout treatment and at the end to strengthen and prevent injuries in the future. Incremental speed work with average loads in Closed kinetic chain. 2° phase: – with positive results and TEST Eccentric work in closed kinetic chain involving the leg in flexion with different working angles at high speed Closed kinetic chain work with different working angles combined with specific monopodalic exercises. Functional work on Desmotec Dline with low loads that progressively increase and high speeds. CASE STUDY 2-ACL ACL FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY PROBLEM: Left – Right imbalance Specific work on semitendinosus TREATMENT: 1° phase Balance and isometric tests on Desmotec Dline to see the % of static and dynamic imbalance and deficits – which will be repeated at the end of the course. Low speed work with medium/high loads with initially open kinetic chain and then closed too. 2° phase – Eccentric exercises involving the leg in flexion, extension and abduction/adduction weight shift in multiple directions at increased speeds. Closed kinetic chain work focusing on balance and different ROM Functional work on Desmotec Dline and Vline aimed at strengthening to prevent new injuries.. Case Study 3-Shoulder Shoulder: Functional Recovery PROBLEM: supraspinatus cuff weakness, loss of center of rotation of humeral head on the glenoid limited external rotation. TREATMENT: 1° phase Isometric tests on Desmotec Vline to identify and define the problem and the deficits – which will be repeated at the end of the treatment. Work at low speed with medium / high loads while respecting the instantaneous center of rotation. 2° phase – with positive results and TEST Exercise on specific components to brake the head of the humerus and work between the areas involved, aiming for harmonization  of the shoulder within the muscular chain constantly and  with maximum exersion. ACL RECOVERY In the case of a patient facing an ACL rehabilitation; the whole rehab program was based on a specific path focusing on muscular reinforcement, using mainly the Desmotec D and V. TREATMENT During the first phases, Desmotec devices played a very important role in monitoring the patient’s progresses on shifting the load from healthy to operated limb, using D for balance and isometric tests, followed by exercises with specific strap on the V. The last phase of the rehab process was focused on achieving the complete leg extension, complete balance recovery and full load on the limb, using the V for functional movement equipped with a specific tool and isometric works. Balance test on D -shifting load exercise  Isometric extension at specific knee angle on   v Knee stand rotation All Exercises performed on V Functional sagittal                        Lateral functional movement                  RESULTS Desmotec devices -D,E and V, helped the athlete recover from surgery by analysing and testing balance and strength with the E board and training with both the D and V devices. The athlete returned to play quicker than normally stipulated due to the excellent response of the High Motor Units from the ECCENTRIC training. The Desmotec Machines strengthened and stabilized  and thus helped to prevent further injury. Shoulder Recovery from Rotator Cuff surgery The Eccentric overloading activates the high-threshold motor units in the complex shoulder region promoting strength stability and also encouraging the the Latismus Dorsi muscle to take some of the strain. Elderly Much work has been done with the elderly to prevent falls. The Desmotec Eccentric training activates motor units, long atrophied(sarcopenia), in the elderly allowing them to regain the ability to sit and stand without distress. It also prevents them from being so susceptible to falling.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation with Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric Training Devices

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation on Desmotec Dplus and Vplus pininfarina(Ferrari)

Desmotec Flywheel resistance training focuses on overloading the eccentric(EOL) phase of movements, which are crucial for everyday functions, Injury prevention and rehabilitation.  Eccentric movements involve controlled muscle lengthening, like slowing down when walking. These movements enhance muscle activation and strength. Desmotec Flywheel devices are particularly effective for rehabilitation, as they increase muscle activation, coordination, and aid in quicker recovery while reducing inflammation and pain. Through their intuitive software, these devices also measure force in limbs, allowing physiotherapists to detect and address imbalances effectively. Injury prevention and rehabilitation are critical components of athletic training and overall fitness. Traditional training methods often emphasise the concentric phase of muscle movements, where muscles contract and shorten. However, recent advancements highlight the importance of the eccentric phase, where muscles lengthen under tension. This phase is pivotal in everyday movements and plays a significant role in injury prevention and rehabilitation. Flywheel training, particularly with Desmotec devices, focuses on this eccentric phase. Unlike traditional weight training, flywheel training provides variable resistance based on the user’s force, ensuring optimal muscle engagement throughout the movement. This method not only enhances muscle and Tendon activation but also maximises strength & power  gains, making it a powerful tool for both injury prevention and rehabilitation. The Science Behind Eccentric Movements Eccentric movements occur when a muscle lengthens while under tension, such as when lowering a weight or decelerating during a run. These movements are essential for controlled and efficient motion. In traditional resistance training the Concentric phase of the movement dictates how much weight or force is applied and since the Concentric phase is weaker than the Eccentric phase, the Eccentric phase gets underused and therefore under developed. Eccentric training enhances muscle activation by recruiting high-threshold motor units, which are often underutilised during concentric movements. This recruitment leads to greater strength gains and improved muscle power and coordination. Injury prevention heavily relies on the strength and coordination developed during the eccentric phase. Most injuries occur during the eccentric phase of motion, such as when decelerating or changing direction abruptly. By strengthening muscles during this phase, athletes can significantly reduce the risk of injury. Flywheel training is particularly effective in this regard, as it provides constant resistance, challenging the muscles throughout the entire range of motion. Benefits of Desmotec Flywheel Devices Desmotec flywheel devices offer several advantages over traditional training equipment. These devices use a flywheel mechanism that provides variable resistance based on the user’s input. The harder you push or pull, the more resistance the flywheel generates, ensuring optimal load during both concentric and eccentric phases. This adaptability makes flywheel training suitable for all fitness levels helping injury prevention and  all rehabilitation stages. 1. Enhanced Muscle Activation and Coordination: Flywheel training recruits high-threshold motor units, enhancing muscle activation and coordination. This increased activation leads to faster and more effective rehabilitation. 2. Reduced Muscle Stress and Inflammation: Eccentric training with flywheel devices helps reduce muscle stress and inflammation, particularly in tendons. This is crucial for speedy recovering from injuries and preventing chronic conditions. 3. Improved Functional Strength: Eccentric training improves functional strength, which is essential for everyday activities and athletic performance. By focusing on controlled lengthening movements, muscles become more resilient and capable of handling high-intensity activities. 4. Balanced Muscle Development: Integrated load cells in Desmotec devices measure the force output of each limb, allowing physiotherapists to identify and correct imbalances. This balanced muscle development is crucial for preventing re-injury and ensuring long-term recovery. Practical Applications in Rehabilitation Desmotec flywheel devices are versatile tools used in injury prevention and also various rehabilitation protocols. Whether recovering from an ACL injury or addressing chronic shoulder pain, these devices provide customised resistance and feedback, enhancing the rehabilitation process. ACL Rehabilitation Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are common among athletes and can significantly impact mobility and performance. Flywheel training enhances the rehabilitation of ACL injuries by providing controlled resistance, improving muscle strength, and promoting proper movement patterns. The eccentric focus helps strengthen the muscles around the knee, reducing the risk of re-injury. Tendon Injuries Tendon injuries, such as Achilles tendonitis, can be challenging to treat due to the delicate nature of tendons. Eccentric training with Desmotec devices helps reduce inflammation and pain by promoting controlled muscle lengthening. This controlled movement reduces the strain on tendons, allowing for effective healing and recovery. Shoulder Rehabilitation Shoulder injuries, including rotator cuff tears, benefit from flywheel training. The variable resistance and controlled movements provided by Desmotec devices enhance shoulder stability and strength. By targeting the eccentric phase, these devices help improve muscle coordination and reduce the risk of future injuries. Improved Health Injury prevention and rehabilitation are integral to maintaining athletic performance and overall health. Flywheel training, particularly with Desmotec devices, offers a revolutionary approach by focusing on the eccentric phase of movements. This method enhances muscle activation, reduces inflammation, and promotes balanced muscle development. Whether recovering from an injury or aiming to prevent one, incorporating flywheel training into your routine can significantly improve outcomes. “Eccentric movements are crucial for injury prevention and rehabilitation, providing controlled resistance that enhances muscle activation and reduces inflammation.” Discover the power of eccentric training with Desmotec flywheel devices. Contact Rubicon Sports today to learn more about incorporating this revolutionary approach into your rehabilitation and training programmes.

Desmotec in Action with World-Class Athletes: Revolutionising Training

Desmotec flywheel Eccentric training has become a game-changer for World-Class athletes seeking to enhance their performance.  Athletic performance In the ever-evolving landscape of athletic performance, the quest for the most effective training methods is relentless. Enter Desmotec flywheel training, a revolutionary approach that is rapidly gaining traction among top-tier athletes. This cutting-edge technology shifts the paradigm from traditional weight lifting to a more dynamic and responsive form of resistance training. Desmotec’s unique system utilises the inertia generated by spinning discs, offering resistance that directly correlates with the athlete’s effort. This adaptability ensures that the intensity of the workout matches the athlete’s capabilities at every moment. This leads to optimal muscle engagement and development. Desmotec’s appeal lies not only in its innovative mechanics but also in its proven results. Which has lead to Athletes such as 100m World Champion Justin Gatlin, WBC Bridgerweight titleholder Oscar Rivas, and IBF female Light Middleweight titleholder Marie-Eve Dicare have incorporated Desmotec into their training regimes with remarkable outcomes. This article delves into the principles behind Desmotec flywheel training, explores its benefits over traditional methods, and highlights testimonials from world-class athletes who swear by its effectiveness. The Mechanics of Desmotec Flywheel Training At the core of Desmotec’s technology is the concept of inertial resistance. Unlike conventional weights that rely on gravity, Desmotec’s resistance comes from the spinning of a flywheel. So when an athlete exerts force on the device, the flywheel spins. The energy created during the concentric phase (muscle shortening) is stored as kinetic energy. This  is then released during the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening), pulling the athlete back and requiring them to resist. This resistance engages muscles and tendons more thoroughly. The system’s responsiveness means that the harder an athlete works, the greater the resistance they encounter. This continuous adjustment helps maintain a consistent level of challenge, preventing the plateau effect often seen in traditional training. Moreover, the emphasis on eccentric training — the muscle’s lengthening phase, which is typically underutilised in standard workouts — is particularly effective for muscle hypertrophy and Power. Benefits Over Traditional Training Traditional forms of weight training are essential for building strength and power however they mainly work the Concentric phases of the movement and in so doing underwork the Eccentric phase. Eccentric contractions exploit greater muscular mechanical efficiency in comparison to concentric contractions because greater levels of force are produced with less energy. (Hody et al 2019, Zamparo et al 2015) Accentuated Eccentric muscle contractions can elicit a few beneficial neuromuscular adaptations:  These responses represent key aspects for muscular strength and power development(Douglas et al 2017) and,of course, also in rehab. The way to really work the Eccentric phase of the movement is by overloading it –Eccentric Overload Training (EOL) and this is best done on flywheel devices such as the Desmotec range. Eccentric movements are crucial for muscle hypertrophy, power, and injury prevention. By focusing on this phase, Desmotec helps athletes build resilience and reduce the likelihood of injuries. This is particularly important for sports that require explosive movements and rapid direction changes, such as sprinting, boxing, and football. World-Class Athletes and Desmotec Several elite athletes have integrated Desmotec into their training with exceptional results. Justin Gatlin Justin Gatlin, the 100m World Champion in 2017, has leveraged Desmotec to enhance his explosive power. His coach, Denis Mitchell, attributes part of Gatlin’s success to the improvements in muscle power and efficiency gained through Desmotec’s eccentric training. By focusing on high-speed, high-intensity workouts, Gatlin has been able to maintain peak performance levels and achieve rapid recovery. Oscar Rivas Oscar Rivas, WBC Bridgerweight title holder 2021-2023, uses Desmotec to develop reactive power in his lower limbs. His training sessions on the Desmotec D.Sport involve high-speed front squats, which help build peak velocity and improve eccentric force absorption. This has translated into more powerful punches and better agility in the ring. Marie-Eve Dicare Marie-Eve Dicare, reigning IBF female Light Middleweight champion, incorporates Desmotec for precision and speed in her footwork. Using the Desmotec V.Full, Dicare performs lateral steps to enhance her core strength and power transfer, crucial for her performance in the ring. Desmotec in Various Sports Desmotec’s versatility extends beyond individual training; it has found applications in various sports, enhancing performance across the board. Football Footballers, including the legendary Cristiano Ronaldo during his tenure at Real Madrid, have benefited from Desmotec’s eccentric training to improve strength and reduce injury risks. The focus on both concentric and eccentric phases ensures balanced muscle development, essential for the sport’s demands. Canoeing and Fencing Olympic silver medalist Manfredi Rizza utilises Desmotec to enhance his paddling power, while Olga Kharlan, a four-time World Champion in fencing, incorporates it to boost her reaction times and agility. The precise and adaptable resistance provided by Desmotec is ideal for these sports, where quick, explosive movements are critical. Skiing and Tennis Skiers like Petra Vlhová and Alex Vinatzer, along with tennis players Stefanos Tsitsipas and Lorenzo Sonego, have integrated Desmotec into their training to enhance strength, speed, and endurance. The focus on eccentric movements helps these athletes build the resilience needed to withstand the intense physical demands of their sports. The Science Behind the Success Research supports the efficacy of flywheel training in improving athletic performance. Studies have shown that eccentric training can lead to greater muscle hypertrophy and strength gains compared to traditional methods. Additionally, the variable resistance of flywheel devices like Desmotec helps prevent overuse injuries by ensuring that the load on the muscles is always appropriate. Desmotec flywheel training represents a significant advancement in the realm of athletic performance enhancement. By harnessing the principles of inertial resistance and focusing on both concentric and eccentric movements, Desmotec provides a comprehensive and adaptive training solution. The positive experiences of world-class athletes like Justin Gatlin, Oscar Rivas, and Marie-Eve Dicare underscore its effectiveness and potential to revolutionise training methodologies across various sports. In a world where the margins between victory and defeat are razor-thin, the ability to train smarter and more efficiently can make all the difference. Desmotec… Continue reading Desmotec in Action with World-Class Athletes: Revolutionising Training

ACL Recovery in High Performance Athletes with Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric Training Devices

Lara Colturi in World Cup ski slalom action after ACL injury rehabilitation with Desmotec

Desmotec has been helping  World Cup Alpine Skier-Lara Colturi, every inch of the way, through her rehabilitation from her ACL injury. The Desmotec devices offered Lara a complete system of recovery from her ACL injury and surgery.The Eccentric equipment increased muscle activation and coordination by recruiting the high-threshold motor units making recovery quicker with less muscle stress and less inflammation and pain in the Tendons. She came back balanced and stronger Watch Lara’s recovery story >> For further information on Desmotec Eccentric Training machines contact Rubicon Sports Ltd At info@rubiconsports.co.uk or 01256 477390 www.rubiconsports.co.uk

Maximise Skiing Performance with Desmotec V.Sport: World Champion Petra Vlhová’s Training Secret

Petra Vlhová, a professional Slovak World Cup alpine ski racer, has taken the skiing world by storm with her exceptional skills in slalom and giant slalom. As the current world champion in giant slalom, her training regimen is critical to maintaining her peak performance. One integral component of her training is the use of the Desmotec V.Sport which by over-loading the Eccentric phase of the movement increases an athlete’s power. This increased power has helped Petra  maximise her skiing performance.. The Exercise: Core Activation and Power Transfer In a recent training session, Petra performed an exercise focusing on core activation and power transfer. This exercise involves pushing with one arm while preventing trunk rotation, thereby activating the core muscles. Additionally, small leg extensions are incorporated to maximise power output during the movement. By holding the handle of the Desmotec device, Petra ensures her core is fully engaged, optimising the transfer of power. As she pushes one way the flywheel pulls her back as hard the other way and creates Eccentric overload. Regular use of the Desmotec devices in  Petra’s personalised training programme, has helped maximise her skiing performance. The ultimate goal is to continue maximising her skiing performance, so she remains at the top of her sport. Training with Desmotec Devices Desmotec V.Sport is a crucial element of Petra’s training due to its compact design and portability. The device allows athletes and trainers to transport it easily, facilitating training sessions anywhere. This flexibility is essential for maintaining consistent training routines, whether at home, in a gym, or on the slopes. Video here(can you embed the video)   Benefits of Desmotec V.Sport in maximising skiing performance Technology Behind DesmotecDesmotec technology is based on the principles of inertial resistance training. Unlike traditional weights, Desmotec devices use flywheels to create resistance. This method provides a more dynamic and adjustable form of resistance and an Eccentric overload, which can be fine-tuned to match the specific needs of the athlete. Desmotec applications in Professional Sports Desmotec V.Sport is widely used by professional athletes across almost every sport. Its ability to enhance power and velocity makes it suitable for disciplines that require explosive movements ie  almost every sport. The versatility of Desmotec devices also makes them valuable tools for physiotherapists and trainers working on rehabilitation and performance enhancement because they activate the High threshold Motor control units. The Future of Athletic Training The integration of Desmotec V.Sport into Petra Vlhová’s training programme highlights a shift towards more versatile and dynamic training methods.  The Desmotec devices have helped maximise Petra’s skiing performance.. As athletes seek to gain competitive edges, the use of innovative training technologies like Desmotec will become increasingly prevalent. These devices not only enhance performance but also contribute to safer training practices, ensuring athletes can train effectively without the risk of injury. Interested in learning more about how Desmotec V.Sport can enhance athletic performance? Visit Rubicon Sports to explore our range of Desmotec devices and discover training methods used by top athletes like Petra Vlhová. Enhance your training programme today and achieve peak performance with Desmotec.

Deceleration in Sport: It’s importance and how Desmotec Eccentric Training Equipment Can  help 

Desmotec Dplus Pininfarina(Ferrari) helping Eccentric Strength and Deceleration Capacity

Acceleration and Deceleration. In almost all sports whilst top end speed is important, acceleration is the key factor in attack and defence.  If we think of Messi, Maradona or Pele or in Rugby -Bennet, Williams, Robinson or Colby it is easy to see what that burst of pace does. Equally in defence, unfortunately for the brilliant defenders, the attacks always make the highlights.  Desmotec is helping sportsmen decelerate more effectively, balancing their rapid accelerations with efficient slowdowns. If you  look closely, you will see that the trick is the ability to STOP suddenly, change direction and go again.   To stop suddenly, to decelerate or slow down quickly, is often an overlooked skill though it is a critical component of success on the field. Effective deceleration involves generating significant braking forces in a short period. This  places immense mechanical forces, as much as 6* bodyweight on the MTU(Muscle Tendon Unit) of the leg. If the legs aren’t  strong deceleration may cause injuries/ruptures  to Achilles Tendons, the ACL/MCL complex ruptures or strain/tear muscles. As such, athletes should train specifically to improve their braking ability to avoid injuries and perform at their peak. This article explores the demands of deceleration. What are the  the physical requirements needed to master it and how Desmotec Flywheel Eccentric Training devices can help in enhancing an athlete’s braking capabilities and reduce the risk of injury . Deceleration Ability-Physical Requirements and Solutions. In his thesis-Neuromuscular determinants of horizontal deceleration ability in team sports…. (https://humanbrakingperformance.com/research), Dr.Damien Harper sought to not only investigate what was required to decelerate but also assess the ability to decelerate. After analysis of matches it was discovered  that there were more frequent high intensity decelerations in a game than accelerations. He used radars to identify a number of kinematic and kinetic variables which detected  moderate changes in maximal deceleration. The acceleration-Deceleration Ability test (ADA) was used to examine associations with isokinetic eccentric and concentric knee strength capacities and countermovement and drop jump kinetic and kinematic variables Summary of Results The results show that there was a clear correlation between Eccentric KF & KE strength at 60° and deceleration times. This backs up studies on COD(Change of Direction)  which showed that higher lower limb eccentric strength facilitates superior braking capacity(P.A.Jones et al-2009,2017,Lockie,Shultz et al 2012,Spiteri,Nimphius et al 2014 Taken together all these studies demonstrate the importance of unilateral eccentric KE strength in promoting deceleration ability. Braking Exercises The aim of all these resistance exercises is to increase the ability to attenuate shock throughout the lower limbs, especially the ankle and knee , since ground impact forces are substantial -upto 6* bodyweight. Eccentric maximal strength and this Eccentric strength training has been identified as an important factor in high braking force tolerance. The Eccentric training will strengthen and stiffen the MTU(Muscle Tendon Unit). There are various methods of improving Eccentric strength from sprinting downhill to using bands however resistance training is generally the most effective. Eccentric strength is very difficult to increase in traditional resistance training methods as load is determined by Concentric capacity. It is therefore important to find Eccentric Overload (EOL) Exercises. There are some effective traditional methods like slow barbell descents and weight releases (https://rubiconsports.co.uk/desmotec-old/how-does-eccentric-flywheel-training-compare-with-traditional-weight-training/)  that have been used for many years. However  by far and away the most effective way to overload the Eccentric phase is with Flywheels devices such as  Desmotec D and V line. When using these machines  at least 2 and 3 sets of 6 reps is required to get a meaningful PAP (Post Activation Potentiation)response (Effects of Postactivation Potentiation after an Eccentric Overload bout on Countermovement Jump and Lower-Limb muscle strength- Marco Beato,Adam Stiff and Giuseppe Coratella) Summary Desmotec Flywheel eccentric training devices are helping Sportsmen decelerate. The ability to slow down quickly separates the top players from the also rans. Fast deceleration puts a huge strain on the body and the braking forces can cause injury. Stronger legs will mitigate against the possibility of injury. Whilst absolute strength gained from traditional Concentric Resistance training is essential, it has been found that Eccentric strength is even more vital. Why? Eccentric contractions exploit greater muscular mechanical efficiency, improved motor unit synchronization and selective recruitment of higher-order motor units  in comparison to concentric contractions.  (Validity and reliability of a flywheel squat test in sport Marco Beato , Adam Fleming , Alexander Coates & Antonio Dello Iacono) The best Eccentric Overload (EOL) Exercises come from flywheel devices such as  such as  Desmotec D and V line. These offer variable resistance from  the individual and also through a large range of Inertial Discs. References:- Ready to enhance your braking capabilities and elevate your game? Discover how Desmotec’s Flywheel Resistance Training can transform your performance. Visit our websites today!

Eccentric Exercises: Why Are They Important?

Desmotec d.Plus pininfarina(Ferrari)-Image showing Cords&Bars alignment

Eccentric exercises involve the controlled lengthening of muscles under tension. Unlike concentric exercises, where muscles shorten as they contract, eccentric movements focus on the muscle’s elongation while resisting a force.

Comparing Traditional Strength Training with Desmotec Isoinertial Training

Strength training has long been a cornerstone of athletic development, providing athletes with the power, endurance, and resilience needed to excel in their sports.