TENDO Products

Tendo Power Analyzer and Tendo Power Analyzer WL are portable training tools. They are an easy way to determine power output and bar speed in training and
Tendo Power Analyser & Power Analyser WL with Micro Computers on tripods ,bags and accessories by Rubicon Sports

What is measured and calculated?

  Tendo Unit Tendo Power Analyzer  Tendo Power Analyzer WL
1 Average Power(Watts) YES YES
2 Partial Average Power(Watts) YES YES
  ‘Average Power of Limited (pre-set) range of motion from 0-100% of range of motion’    
3 Peak Power(watts) YES YES
4 Average Velocity(m/s) YES YES
5 Peak Velocity(m/s) YES YES
6 Eccentric Average Velocity(m/s) YES YES
  ‘Average Velocity in downward movement’    
7 Peak Force(Newtons) YES YES
  Maximum Force for Limited (pre-set) range of motion from 0-100% of range of motion     
8  Rest Time(S) YES YES
9 Measurement Unit Metric Metric
10 Memory – 500 reps 500 reps
11 Battery Operated(Built in battery charger) YES YES
12 Audio signals on upper & lower limits YES YES
13 Filter 0-150cm YES YES
14 Number of repetitions YES YES
15 Audio signals on upper & lower limits YES YES
16 Shows Power,Force,Velocity measurements YES YES
17 Shows % Of Power,Force,Velocity measurements YES YES
18 Shows % limit of Partial Average Power & Peak Force. YES YES
19 Carrying bag and manual. YES YES
20 Microcumputer, Sensor cable and data cable YES YES
21 Mat NO YES
22 Computer Software   YES(Optional ) YES(Optional )
23 Wireless Bluetooth connection YES(Optional ) YES(Optional )

The Tendo Unit easily hooks to the barbell, plate stack or athlete and measures velocity in meters per second up to a 2.6 meter range of motion. If the proper mass of the barbell or the athlete has been entered into the microcomputer, the unit gives power out put as well as velocity measurements.

All units togethe

Tendo Weightlifting & Power Analyser with Micro Computers on tripods with barbell by Rubicon Sports


Tendo Weightlifting Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to barbell of man doing bench press by Rubicon Sports


Tendo Weightlifting Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to barbell of man in squat position by Rubicon Sports

Bent Over

Tendo Weightlifting Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to barbell of Man in Hang Clean position by Rubicon Sports

Squat with mat

Tendo Power Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to barbell of Man in Squat by Rubicon Sports 2

Full Extension

Verticle Jump

Tendo Power Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to Man doing Vertical Jump by Rubicon Sports

Full Extension with WL

Tendo Power Analyser with Micro Computer on tripod attached to barbell of Man in Final Snatch position by Rubicon Sports

This is the unit that is changing training

Tendo Power Analyzer WL and Tendo Power Analyzer can also be interfaced with a laptop computer to run up to 8 stations simultaneously. This is fast becoming the choice of the professional trainers, colleges and pro teams. Computer Software and Bluetooth interface is an additional option in these models.

Tendo Power Analyser software single station interface by Rubicon Sports

Single Station Bluetooth Interface

Tendo Power Analyser software single station interface by Rubicon Sports

Single Station Bluetooth Interface

Tendo Power Analyser software by Rubicon Sports

A special thank to Prof. Dusan Hamar MD, PhD, Head of Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Bratislava, for his scientific expertise making the Tendo project a reality.